What businesses are we attracting?
At The City of Life Foundation, we believe in helping individuals become self-sufficient through education, training, and support. We partner with businesses that share our mission to provide people with the skills and knowledge necessary to support themselves and their families. Our focus is on cultivating lasting relationships with businesses, providing them with opportunities to train and nurture their talent pool, while also providing community members with a chance to learn a trade. We believe in the power of partnerships and look forward to working with you to change lives for the better.
We're Building a City
that You Can be a Part of
That's right! A city that in fact will be the gateway to really helping and supporting those that need it the most. Your financial support you will see will be helping people to finally "get back on their feet". When it's built, we're not talking someday, we're talking today. The talking about a dream is OVER! We at The City of Life Foundation wishes to see people's dream come to fruition and work in their behalf right now. So, it starts with EVERYBODY pitching in, getting their hands dirty, speaking truth to power and pushing one another now! A City, that embraces the thought, of entrepreneurship, family, seniors and veteran's support, affordable housing, daycare, senior care and higher education, along with its own theme park, entertainment center, business centers and much more.
1. The ArC (A standalone Resource Center)
2. Job Training Centers
3. Performance Arts Center
4. Research Centers for
Autism, Downs Syndrome, Sickle Cell,
Diabetes, Cerebral Palsy, Lupus and more!
5. Education Centers: Pre-school, Middle & High
6. Seniors and Veteran's Communities
7. Affordable family housing
8. Theme Park
And a whole lot more!